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KaveTak Wire and Cable Company !
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About KavehTak company
Manufacturer of all kinds
Wire and Cable
Industrial, automotive and construction

KavehTak wire and cable manufacturing company was established in 1370 with the aim of producing part of the wire and cable needed by the country, and at the very beginning, with the continuous efforts of specialists in this industry, in a short period of time, it succeeded in receiving the standard mark of Iran's industrial research. The acceptance of consumers and the needs of the consumer market made Kaveh Tek company to take a step in the field of competition in the domestic market as well as in neighboring countries by using experienced staff and also using advanced technology. Our firm belief is to understand the needs and satisfy the customer and we have used all our facilities to achieve this purpose and by receiving the IMS ISOTS/2008 T certificate from the TUV Institute, we have written this importance on the golden plaque of the company.

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" Advanced technology, perfect safety, smart choice for every need "
What makes us different
Collaborating lab
The quality control and laboratory unit of KavehTak Company has been operating since 1373 with the aim of serving the producers and consumers of the country's wire and cable industry and customer satisfaction by using human resources with modern knowledge and modern equipment and machines. In 2017, he succeeded in obtaining the certificate of the collaborating laboratory of Central Province, and he is currently applying for the certificate of 17025.
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What makes us different
Benefit from
experienced engineers
The production unit of KavehTak company produces all kinds of automotive, construction and industrial wires and cables in different sizes with the help of experienced and experienced engineers and managers, as well as with the help of up-to-date devices and based on flexible production planning. This unit tries to improve product production processes by focusing on reducing production waste and increasing efficiency.
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What makes us different
Use of
updated machines
The design and engineering unit of KavehTak company produces products with the least amount of waste using experienced engineers and modern design methods. After the initial design and checking the possibility of production, the required information is sent to the relevant processes according to the customer's requirements and standards, and the prototype is produced. If the prototype is approved by the customer, mass production will begin.
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The price and chart of copper wire in the world market

Date Price
11 February 9245Dollar
10 February 9287Dollar
07 February 9288Dollar
06 February 9165Dollar
05 February 9025Dollar
A comprehensive guide to installation and maintenance of wires and cables in construction projects
July 31, 2024

A comprehensive guide to installation and maintenance of wires and cables in construction projects

In any construction project, wires and cables play a vital role in supplying electricity and transmitting data. Proper…

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Advantages and disadvantages of using copper cables
August 3, 2024

Advantages and disadvantages of using copper cables

In particular, they are used in many applications. But like any other technology, using copper cables also has…

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Important points in buying wires and cables
August 9, 2024

Important points in buying wires and cables

Buying wires and cables is one of the critical steps in any electrical or telecommunications project. Choosing the…

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New technologies in wire and cable production
August 10, 2024

New technologies in wire and cable production

New technologies in the production of wires and cables are developing rapidly and play a vital role in…

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Some of the customers of KaveTak company

Contact us
We are always ready to hear your comments, suggestions and questions.
Please contact us through one of the following methods
Saveh, Kaveh Industrial City
22 street, plate 28
42346405 (086) آدرس شرکت کاوه تک
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